
What are the advantages of home solar power system

Time:2024-01-04 10:49:18

Information summary:

Solar power generation system is a power generation system that uses solar cells to convert solar en···

Solar power generation system is a power generation system that uses solar cells to convert solar energy directly into electrical energy. The household solar power generation system consists of a solar cell pack, a solar controller and a battery (pack). If the output power supply is 220V or 110V AC, you need to configure an inverter.

Advantages of home solar power system

1, solar energy is inexhaustible, and the solar radiation received by the earth's surface can meet the global energy demand 10,000 times. As long as four percent of the world's deserts are installed with solar photovoltaic systems, the electricity generated can meet the needs of the world. Solar power is safe and reliable, and will not suffer from energy crises or fuel market instability;

2, solar energy can be anywhere, can be nearby power supply, do not have to long-distance transmission, to avoid the loss of long-distance transmission lines;

3, solar energy does not use fuel, the operating cost is very low;

4, solar power has no moving parts, not easy to use damage, simple maintenance, especially suitable for unattended use;

5, solar power generation will not produce any waste, no pollution, noise and other public hazards, no adverse impact on the environment, is the ideal clean energy;

6, the solar power generation system construction period is short, convenient and flexible, and can be added or reduced arbitrarily according to the load increase or decrease, to avoid waste.